Thursday, June 30, 2011

The 'End of Days' and 'Test Once - Comply Many'

Tomorrow sees yet another compliance regime, the UK Bribery Act, come into force. A much debated legislation which remains unclear in parts but reflects and puts even more teeth into the key tenets of the FCPA reglation from the US. Both these regulations have broad arms and dont limit their interest to UK and US companies. Even China is on the anti-corruption bandwagon with their own legislation recently announced.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Internal Audit and a Changing World

I always read the annual CEO, CFO, CAE, CIO reports from the Big 4 firms. They usually arrive in the first quarter of the year and are based on interviews carried out up to a year before. As a result, they are not usually as topical as they claim. But it is always interesting to compare these macro surveys and opinion pieces with your own direct experience. You typically see obvious areas of convergence and a few divergent ones. If the two perspectives are too far out, I tend to rely on personal experience and interactions with clients and business partners.