As I emerge from post festive season recovery and face the new year, it is interesting to review what have been the most read, and therefore apparently the most interesting, topics in this blog during 2012.
Of course, to judge the most popular posts we need to take into account the timings of the posts, and so for a 'normalised' hit list, we pro-rated the readership by the length of time the post had been available. So, the Top 5 ranked on this basis are...
- At number 5 - Risk, misplaced confidence, early warning systems and health checks
- Number 4 - Perception, Risk and Safeguards A perspective coming out of the Enterprise Risk Management conference at which I presented last year and the weakness of our perceptive powers.
- Number 3 - Why CONTROLS Monitoring is not Enough
- Number 2 - Making a drama out of an accounting crisis The review of the theatre production on the ten year anniversary of the Enron collapse
' And the Winner is' ... Quantum Finance - are Performance Indicators what they seem? A set of observations from recent experience on the use and abuse of KPIs and the need for a new thing, a 'KEI' .
But some naysayers claim this 'normalised approach' is akin to 'fiddling the books' so the raw 'Top 5' ranked by total readership during the year, are listed below in ascending order . . .
- At number 5 - The 'Great Potato Fraud of 2012' An overview of an insider fraud at a major supermarket chain involving category managers and their suppliers and which hit the news.
- Number 4 - Will it make the boat go faster? A nautical allegory about new techniques, received wisdom and performance improvement.
- Number 3 - Risk, misplaced confidence, early warning systems and health checks A set of observations on current received wisdom on financial assurance and the need for more broad adoption of readily available techniques.
- Number 2 - Insights from ISACA's EuroCACS ISRM Conference A review of the ISACA conference held in Munich, Germany in September.
' And the Winner is' ... Why CONTROLS Monitoring is not Enough A brief and apparently well liked illustration of the danger of monitoring the devices we design to manage risk, rather than the risks themselves.
Of course, the real popular winner in blog posts this last year was Guitarra - Part Deux! The story of my second attempt at building a guitar under the hot summer sun in Formentera, Spain. You can see the pictures and read the story from the start at the link above or just go straight to the denouement at
I think two hand made guitars is enough, but perhaps I could manage just one more later this year...
Thanks for reading, and of course, Happy New Year!
I hope 2013 brings you success and happiness.
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